Request for Proposals

Request for Proposals - Burma Park


The County of Paintearth is requesting proposals for the construction and replacement of one double and two single pit toilet buildings to be replaced at selected locations within the Burma Park Campground, located on the Battle River south side north of Brownfield.

The pit toilet buildings will require the following features:

  • Double building to be:
    • wheelchair accessible doors & features
    • concrete floor repaired/replaced
    • pedestal toilet structures
  • Single buildings to be:
    • Concrete entrance pads may be added
    • Pedestal toilet structures – require culvert cuts and concrete floor replacements
  • All buildings to be:
    • Painted interiors with air vents in walls
    • Roof structure allowing daylight entry and entrance overhang
    • Wood construction with natural parks exterior finish such as faux log siding, or stained planks, etc.
    • Venting of tank outside rear of buildings

The submissions must include the full price of construction and placement of the building on existing concrete pads (some additional concrete pads requested for consideration) covering existing installed septic tank. Outhouses may be built either on-site or off.

Plans and prices of proposed construction and installation are to be submitted to the County Office by the 24th January 2025. This is not a tender and may be subject to budget deliberations or discussions with County Council, any or all submissions not necessarily accepted. For more information contact the undersigned.

Todd Pawsey
Director of Community Services
403-882-3211 Office

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Request for Proposals - Halkirk Campground

Electrical Service Upgrades

The County of Paintearth is requesting proposals for the upgrading of the electrical service to the Berry Street Campground in the Hamlet of Halkirk.
The current electrical distribution system to 8 stalls includes a master junction / distribution panel supplying 30 amp services to 8 campsite pedestals.
The desired upgrade is to have each campsite pedestal serviced with a 50 amp breaker and RV plug receptacle as well as 20 amp plug in receptacle and breaker as shown below.

The submissions must include the full price of replacing existing pedestals if they are not able to be reconfigured, all materials and labour to complete the trenching and installation of the service. Equipment shown is for example only and may differ from what is being offered / considered.

Submissions are to be received at the County Office by the 21st March 2025. This is not a tender and may be subject to budget deliberations or discussions with County Council, any or all submissions not necessarily accepted. For more information contact the undersigned.

Todd Pawsey
Director of Community Services
403-882-3211 Office

Download Proposal Package