In the County of Paintearth No. 18 the water supply for residents, agriculture, and commercial users consists of water wells, cisterns or the County water system.
The County receives water from the Red Deer River via the Shirley McClellan Regional Water Services Commission (SMRWSC), and it is treated by the Town of Stettler. In the fall of 2011, the County strategically placed three reservoirs in Halkirk, Crowfoot Industrial Park, and Coronation Area. Currently there is 40.5 miles (65 km) of waterline in the County. The County owns 24.5 miles (39.5 km) of waterline.
The Halkirk Reservoir has a capacity of 1,600 m3 and services the Hamlet of Halkirk, a bulk water station and the Halkirk Waterline.
The Crowfoot Reservoir has a capacity of 1,500 m3 and currently serves the businesses located within the Industrial Park and has a bulk water station.
The Coronation Reservoir is the largest of the three and has a capacity of 3,700 m3. It serves the Town of Coronation and has a colocation agreement with the Shirley on the Brownfield Transmission Line that serves the rural residents along Secondary Highway 872, the Hamlet of Brownfield as well as a bulk water station.
The County is committed to provide you with a clean, secure and reliable water source.