H2 Wind Project

Paintearth Wind - Community Grants

The County of Paintearth Community Benefit Fund – in partnership with Paintearth Wind Project – is accepting applications for the 2025 season open and fixed allotment components. 

Organizations wishing to apply are to complete the application form found on the County website HERE and send in with any supporting information such as a budget supported with quotes or other related expenditures.  

As per the CBF open allotment project parameters, applications are to be within the following community matters:  Environmental Enhancement, Social Welfare, Arts & Culture, Health/Wellness/Rec/Leisure, Education/Science, and Emergency Relief. 

As per the CBF fixed allotment parameters, applications will be received by environment education programs, post secondary student scholarships in STEM categories, and youth sports welfare programs (aiding equip/registration costs).

All applications are to be sent by mail or email to:

Todd Pawsey
Director of Community Services
County of Paintearth
Box 509 Castor AB T0C 0X0

Deadline for receipt of applications is 4:30 pm on Tuesday April 1, 2025

H2 Wind Project: Update November 15, 2024

As a precautionary measure, access roads to the 27 other wind turbines remain restricted and signage has been placed.

Thank you for keeping your distance from the Halkirk 2 Wind project while we investigate the incident that occurred at Turbine 33 (T33) on November 8, 2024.

For safety and security, the site at T33 has a 24x7 security guard and a fenced perimeter has been erected. Immediately following the incident, Alberta Occupational Health, and Safety (AOHS) was contacted. After Capital Power provided detailed incident information, AOHS advised Capital Power was permitted to continue its investigation. Access roads to the other turbines are restricted with signage at each location.

All construction and commissioning activities remain suspended.  T33 will be electrically isolated on Nov. 16, and the other wind turbines remain energized, so they can safely yaw (rotate) to align with the wind direction and the blades to pitch minimizing turbine activity.

We continue to work closely with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) and Alberta Environment and Protected Areas. The AUC was out on site this week to learn more about the incident.

Investigation Underway

A specialized team from Vestas is leading the investigation with support from Capital Power and Borea. Earlier this week, a drone was deployed to inspect T33’s tower and assess the debris field providing important preliminary information into the incident.

The team developed a safe work plan, and a crane mobilized at T33 on Nov. 14. Our current priority is securing T33 with helical strakes to prevent oscillation and vibrations to maintain the structural safety and integrity of the tower and foundation. Pending wind conditions this work will be completed when it is safe to do so.  In simple terms, this work will involve wrapping the tower with ropes outfitted with ordinary pool noodles.

Once it’s declared safe to do so, a detailed inspection inside and up the tower will take place to collect additional evidence and gather more information for investigators.

Vestas and Borea personnel are inspecting the 27 other wind turbines to ensure they’re safe and do not pose a hazard. We anticipate the inspections to be completed soon. Pending the outcomes of those inspections and if all investigating parties agree it’s safe to do so, we will lift the restriction to keep a minimum distance of 200 metres away from the towers. If any landowners are impacted by this temporary restriction, please contact Dean Stutheit at deanstutheit@accessland.ab.ca or 403-598-4540. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping a safe distance away.

Capital Power and our contractors take this incident very seriously and we will continue to update the community as the investigation continues.

H2 Wind Project - Grouting Activites

The 74-metre-long blades each weigh approximately 57,000 lbs and are transported by truck and specialized trailer

On July 8, the first wind turbine components arrived on site, on schedule. Tower sections, nacelles, blades and hubs are being transported via truck ~210 km from a rail siding in Oyen. Deliveries are anticipated to be completed before the end of August.

The first base tower section was set in place at T9 on July 10 and wind turbine assembly for the project is expected to be completed before the end of October. The final foundation pour was completed on July 7, so nighttime concrete truck traffic is done.

Grouting Activities

Grouting is a crucial step in the installation of the wind turbines to ensure load distribution, structural stability, alignment and levelling, protection against corrosion, vibration dampening and foundation integrity.

Grouting will be completed during the day pending weather conditions. For the grout to set properly, temperatures cannot exceed 30C for the first 8 hours of cure time. If daytime temperatures exceed 30C, Borea will do grout pours in the cooler hours of the day – beginning at approximately 4 am or earlier.

The grout pour duration is approximately 2 hours, with limited noise generated from the equipment used. Traffic will be limited to 2-3 pick-up trucks travelling to and from the site and will utilize Twp Rd 402 for access. Grouting activities are expected from July 11- Aug 27.

Please contact us anytime.

H2 Wind Project - July Update

The approx. 210 km route will see the oversize truckloads travel north on Hwy 41, west on Hwy 12, north on Hwy 855 and east on Twp Rd 400 directly to the turbine site for assembly.

We hope you’re enjoying the start to summer. The Halkirk 2 Wind Project is progressing on schedule, and about 150 workers are on site. We appreciate the community’s ongoing patience and feedback with our construction activities.

On June 27, the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) denied the construction of the three conditionally approved turbines (T10, T18 and T27) in its decision (Decision 28689-D01-2024). We are currently assessing our options, including removal of the three turbines from the Project.

Construction continues for the 28 approved wind turbines. All the turbine foundation pours are expected to be complete by mid-July (weather pending). Access Land Services is sharing the daily haul route notices by email for concrete pours. To be added to the distribution, please contact us at the information listed below.

Turbine Component Delivery

Major wind turbine components, including tower sections, nacelles, blades and hubs continue to be delivered to a rail siding in Oyen where they’re temporarily being stored. We anticipate that Totran Transportation Services will begin delivery of major turbine components to site the week of July 8 and are expected to be complete before the end of August.

All deliveries will be completed 7 am and 5 pm.

Wind turbine assembly is scheduled to begin after components are delivered to each wind turbine site. Each Turbine will consist of 5 tower sections, 1 nacelle, 1 hub and 3 blades.

The installation (“topping out”) of the rotor, which consists of the hub and three blades marks the completion of the main structural assembly of the wind turbine.

Depending on the weather conditions, some top out activities may occur between 11 pm and 6 am. These activities consist of the installation of the top section of the wind turbine, including upper tower sections, nacelle, hub, and blades during construction. The first wind turbine, T9, located in the NW of the project area, should be fully assembled by late-July.

Please contact us anytime.

1-855-703-5005 (toll free); projects@capitalpower.com 

Wade McAllister, Lead Land Agent, Access Land Services, 403-597-5555; wademcallister@accessland.ab.ca 

Mark Angus, Halkirk 2 Wind Project, Construction Manager, 403-966-8352

H2 Wind Project - June Update

Construction Update
Overall, the project is approximately 18% complete. On May 22, the first wind turbine foundation was poured at T-9, in the NW area of the project. The concrete was added as a single continuous pour over an 11-hour period beginning at 6 am. Over the past two weeks, Borea has poured seven wind turbine foundations.

Complete June Update

H2 Wind Project - May Update

Construction Progress Report

Spotlight on Water

Community Sustainability Fund

and more. . . .

Click the image on the right to view the full update report.

H2 Wind Project - March Update

Project Update

The temporary construction laydown area continues to be busy with contractors mobilizing. The collector cable installation subcontractor is now mobilized, and the concrete batch plant needed for the turbine foundations has also been mobilized. Borea continues to mark collector line bore crossings with stakes and performing blind sweeps for buried facilities along collector line routes.

Borea Career Fair

At peak construction later this summer, there will be approximately 300 to 350 workers needed. Our Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contractor, Borea Construction is hosting a career fair in Stettler to recruit workers on Thursday, April 18 from 10 am to 4 pm. Capital Power and Borea desire to hire locally to the extent possible. For more information about the career fair, see Borea’s advertisement above.

H2 Wind Project - Oversize Load

Please be advised that an oversize load/delivery will be travelling west on TR400 + north on RR151 to the Goldeye 602S Substation located on SW 12-40-15-W4.
  • The delivery is scheduled to occur Tuesday, March 5th between the hours of 9:00am and 10:00am.
  • The delivery will be accompanied by pilot vehicles and is expected to leave Killam at 8:00am and arrive at the intersection of HWY36 and TR400 at approx. 9:00am.

Avoid the area when travelling or plan an alternate route. Temporary traffic disruptions may occur and expect delays. Please drive with caution and move over to allow the oversize load to safely pass. Follow the instructions of pilot vehicles and on-site-personnel.

H2 Wind Project - December Update

Borea Construction and Rising Edge Group completed gravel hauls on November 25.

Borea has demobilized from the site for the winter and will return in the spring to resume civil construction activities.

Rising Edge will continue construction of the Goldeye 620S Substation throughout the winter. Their work is concentrated in the SW-12-40-15-W4M.

Overall construction traffic will be minimal throughout the winter. Equipment deliveries for the substation will use TWP Rd 400 and RR 151.

H2 Wind Project - Increased Traffic

Please be advised that there will be increased gravel truck traffic along TR400 between RR152 and RR151 on October 18 + 19 due to the ongoing construction in the area.

H2 Wind Project - Temporary Laydown Yard

Please be advised that Borea Construction has begun mobilizing equipment for the construction of the temporary laydown yard.

Large, heavy equipment will be moving through the area over the next few months, while base/preliminary construction for the H2 - Wind Project starts to take shape.