Public Works

Public Works

We are committed to provide the safest road network possible, equal to or higher than the Provincial standards, without jeopardizing our environment or the quality of life for our rate payers.

Through data collection of:

  • Traffic Volumes
  • Existing Land Use
  • Future Land Use
  • Road Inventories
  • Bridge Inspections
  • Sign Inventories
  • Road Characteristics

To date the County of Paintearth is responsible for approximately 2490 km of roads within the county, which is an enormous amount of road to cover.

Type of Road/Highway


Dirt/Non-Regular Maintained






Primary Highway


Secondary Highway


At present, Emcon maintains the Primary & Secondary Highways within the county. These are highways with numbers; for example: Highway 36

The physical location of our Public Works Shop is:
SW 3-38-14-W4
38005 RR 143

Road Bans


Road Bans


Pursuant to the authority granted under the provisions of Bylaw 596-10

All Road Bans in the County of Paintearth will come into effect at:
  8:30 AM, Monday, April 4, 2022

PHONE: (403) 882-3211 FAX: (403) 882-3560
Send E-mail



   (Percentage Axle Weight)

Lake Thelma Road (Twp Rd 352) Hwy 36 to Hwy 872: ALL YEAR


All Other Pavements in the County are banned at: ALL YEAR


All Gravel Roads in the County are banned at:

No Ban
With the Following Exceptions:   

Rge Rd 110 - South of Hwy 12 approx 1/2 mile South to the Coronation Seed Cleaning Plant entrance

No Ban

Twp Rd 370 - West from Hwy 872 approx 2 1/4 miles to the Progressive Waste Solutions Landfill entrance

No Ban

All Secondary Highways in the County are under Provincial jurisdictions.
Please contact or call toll free 1.877.236.6445. 

Please call Road Data Services @ 1.888.830.7623 to obtain Overlaod permission
for travel on County of Paintearth No. 18 roads.
Overweight and Overdimensional Permit Approval Services

Please contact Community Peace Officer, Colm Fitz-Gerald at 403.740.2997 or 
e-mail Colm Fitz-Gerald for further information.

Public Works Services


County procedures for backsloping:
Top priority will be given to backsloping of roadside ditches for landowners who move their fence at no cost to the County. However, if Council deems it necessary to backslope a stretch of road, the County will be responsible for the removal and replacement of the fences pursuant to the County’s fencing policy. There is no charge by the County for this service, however the landowner must sign a hold harmless agreement with the County.

a) Backsloping is to be done with a minimum 5:1 backslope.
b) Request to Public Works Foreman or County Office. In the event that a request is made at the County Office, the Public Works Foreman shall, upon being notified, contact the landowner to schedule a convenient time to commence said works.
c) All farmers requesting backsloping must sign hold harmless agreements.
d) Brush will only be removed from private land to accommodate the 5:1 backslope.

Download Backsloping Agreement - Grantor form



Criteria for control of brush along municipal roadways:
The growth of brush along municipal roadways will be controlled in the following manner:
• In accordance with the policies and plans set forward by the Agricultural Service Board for brush control by roadside spraying.
• Brushing of the ditches by mechanical or other means will only be undertaken along the right-of-way under the direction of the Public Works Superintendent.

Brush will only be removed from private lands to accommodate 5:1 backsloping in accordance with Backsloping Policy (600) or when required, to remove brush in areas where it is hazardous to traffic.  If Council deems it necessary to conduct brushing on private lands, the County will be responsible for the removal and replacement of fences pursuant to the County’s fencing policy.

The landowner must sign a hold harmless agreement with the County and allow the brush to be piled on the site and be responsible for its disposal.


County policy on fencing across development road allowances:
No one will be permitted to construct, erect or locate a fence on any developed road allowance in the County of Paintearth No. 18.


Hay and Road Allowances

County policy on hay and road allowance:
The landowner has the first priority for mowing road allowances adjacent to his/her land for the purpose of hay-making until July 15th of any year.  The landowner may grant permission to a second party upon request to mow the allowance prior to July 15th.

Insofar as road allowances are County property and weeds are a universal problem, the County reserves the right to spray road allowances in cases of severe weed infestation as soon as practically possible.

After July 15th, the County may authorize anyone to mow the allowance and remove the hay.

A minimum swath of 3.66 meters (12’) is to be cut where possible.

Bales shall not be left on the road surface over night and bales along the road allowance should be removed within 48 hours.

The swath shall be confined to the road allowance and not be allowed to encroach upon the road surface.



County position on snowplowing:
The following guidelines for snowplowing have been established:
a) Rates for snowplowing are $40.00 to go in and out of a private lane. A person wanting more work done must contact the Public Works Superintendent. The fee for extra work is $150.00 per hour.
b) No person shall receive snowplowing service if his account from the previous season remains outstanding.

The snowplowing of private property shall only be done once public thoroughfares have been cleared of snow to permit unimpeded travel.

To have your lane snowplowed please contact Bryce Cooke before 7:00 AM before the graders have gone by your lane.

Download Winter Ridging Agreement form
Download Snowplowing/Grading Private Road Agreement form


Dust Control

The County offers a calcium chloride dust treatment program to residents living adjacent to local gravel roads to mitigate the impact of dust in front of residences. The service will be provided subject to the following conditions.

a) Applications for dust control must be received prior to August 1st of each year.
b) The applicant will be responsible to pay for the cost of the actual calcium chloride product available as determined by application metering. Billing will be submitted after the project is completed.
c) The County will provide a minimum distance of 660 feet (201 meters) per site as dust treatment on the road in front of residences.
d) Sites are to be staked by the Public Works department in the presence of the applicant prior the the commencement of the application of dust control.
e) The County has the right to refuse the application of dust control if so deemed unfeasible after the inspection of the site.
f) The County will contribute the preparation of the area, additional gravel if required, the water truck and grader for the application.
g) The County will maintain the road at its discretion and cost and retains the right to scarify the dust control treatment in the event of excessive deterioration. Normally calcium chloride applications are good for one dust control season.
h) Dust control will be completed at the convenience of the County when materials can be transported and equipment is available to carry out the work.
i) This policy is not applicable where dust control is required as a condition of a development permit agreement.

Download Dust Control Agreement form


There are NO Public Tenders available at this time. Please check back at a later date.

Contact Public Works

Our shop is located one mile west of Castor on HWY 12 & RGE RD 143 North.

Bryce Cooke - Director of Public Works
P: 403.882.3211
C: 403.740.6311

Brad Plehnert - Assistant Director of Public Works
P: 403.882.3211
C: 403.575.5256

Public Works Shops are open from:
7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Monday to Friday