Environmental Services

Environmental Services

Environmental Services is divided into two departments. Both fall under the responsibility of the Director of Environmental Services.

  • Agriculture Services
  • Utilities

Agriculture Services

The Agricultural Service Board commenced in the M.D. of Paintearth No. 53 on February 1, 1946. The County is comprised of approximately 36 townships and has a total area of 837,810 ac or 339,050 ha. Most of the County lies within agroclimatic zone 2A with a small portion at the northwest corner falling under zone 1.


The County’s involvement in securing a long-term source of potable water began in the fall of 2011, along with the Shirley McClellan Regional Water Services Commission (SMRWSC) has helped to ensure the future growth and sustainability. The SMRWSC consists of 13 municipalities - Stettler County, County of Paintearth, Special Areas Board, Town of Castor, Town of Coronation, Village of Bawlf, Village of Big Valley, Village of Consort, Village of Donalda, Village of Rosalind, Village of Veteran, Summer Village of Rochon Sands and Summer Village of White Sands.