Paintearth Regional Waste Management

PRWM - Paintearth Regional Waste Management

PRWM is a Part 9 Company formed under the Alberta Society’s Act. The Corporation has been in existence since 1999 and is owned by the County of Paintearth No. 18, the Towns of Castor, Coronation and the Village of Halkirk where each municipality holds one share in the Corporation. The Board of Directors includes 5 members appointed by the owner municipalities, 2 from the County of Paintearth No. 18, 1 each from the urban centers.

Paintearth Regional Waste Management Ltd. is wholly funded by way of royalties paid by Waste Connections of Canada. based on tonnage received (excluding local municipal waste) at their Coronation site. Other revenues received include transfer station fees, recycling revenue and railway crossing leases. No Municipal Tax dollars are used for the operations of PRWM.

Waste Transfer Site Hours + Locations

The Waste Transfer Stations are located across the County near the urban centers of Castor, Halkirk and Coronation.

  • Castor Waste Transfer Station is located at 38013 RR143
    1 mile west of Castor on HWY12 then head ½ mile north on RR143
  • Halkirk Waste Transfer Station is located at 16018 TR383A
    ½ mile west of Halkirk on RR160
  • Coronation Waste Transfer Site is located at 36503 RR111
    2 miles north of Coronation on RR111

Resident Access Cards are available from the Halkirk Transfer Station, Town of Castor Office, County of Paintearth Office and the Coronation Transfer Station.

Hours of Operation:

Summer Hours - Effective April 16, 2025

  • Wednesdays:  1:00pm - 7:00pm
  • Saturdays:  9:00am - 4:00pm

Winter Hours - Effective October 16, 2024

  • Wednesdays:  1:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Saturdays:  9:00am - 4:00pm

List of materials and where to take them

General Recycling

The types of materials accepted under the general recycling program include paper, plastics, metals, glass and cardboard products.

All materials collected are transported to Sherwood Park for processing and then onto various manufacturers who use the products.

Our area has overwhelmingly supported the general recycling program and many weeks the bins are overflowing and material has to be placed on the ground due to the amount of recycling materials being brought to the sites.

Ag Chemical Containers

PRWM is a registered Municipal Depot for the recycling of Agricultural Chemical and Pesticide Containers.

This program is sponsored by CleanFarms which pays for the recycling of the chemical and pesticide containers. The chemical and pesticide containers are shredded into pellets which are bagged and then provided to plastic manufacturers for reuse.

Famers are asked to make sure:

  • all containers are rinsed thoroughly
  • make a hole in the bottom of the containers
  • take off all caps
  • remove any attached labels


PRWM is a registered collection site for Electronic Recycling under Alberta Recycling Management Authority.

Under the program televisions, computers, monitors, CPUs, keyboards, cables, mice, speakers, laptops, notebook computers and printers are accepted.

The program goal is to keep hazardous materials out of landfills. These units contain lead, mercury, cadmium and cathode ray tubes.

A rule of thumb for recycling electronics - If it has batteries or 110v plug and comes from a house, it can be recycled and placed in our cages.(With the exception if Air Conditioner + Water Cooler units with Freon, they are to go with the fridges.)

Hazardous Household Round-Up (HHW)

A HHW Roundup is held once per year. It rotates between the Fire Depts. of Halkirk, Castor and Coronation, usually during the month of May. We ask people to hang onto the hazardous household products throughout the year until the HHW is held.

Please DO NOT bring the products to the sites, we are not set up to have mixed chemicals stored at our locations. This has been a free service for our communities.

** Any household container that is rinsed out can go into General Recycling. If they containers are empty but product residue is still inside, place in the Garbage Bins. If container still has product inside of any amount, hold onto it until there is a HHW. **


  • Town of Coronation - 10:00am - 2:00pm  Coronation Fire Hall
  • Town of Castor - 11:00am - 12:00pm  Castor Fire Hall
  • Village of Halkirk - 10:00am - 11:00am  Halkirk Fire Hall


Metal recycling is becoming a large industry.  Base metals, copper and brass are highly sought after for resale and reuse.

Fridges, washers, dryers, hot water tanks and other metals are collected each year. The metal is crushed into bales and then trucked to various recyclers. These bales are melted down and separated into various types and then sold to manufacturers for use.

Barbed wire is accepted at all site locations. Remember that the wooden posts have to be removed from the wire.

Oil Jugs, Pails + Filters

Used oil jugs, pails and filters are accepted at the Castor and Coronation locations.

Used oil is considered a hazardous waste and can not be accepted at any of our site locations.

The jugs are bagged and the pails must be stacked with the lids removed. The lids can be placed in the recycling bags with the jugs. Each month the bags and pails are taken to a recycler where the material is ground up and re-used to make new plastic jugs and pails.

Used oil filters are to be placed in the barrels provided.


As a registered collection site for paint, PRWM provides for the disposal of paint and aerosol paints. All paint collected is recycled into new paint products.

In addition to the paint recycling program, Paintearth Regional Waste Management Ltd. sponsors a Household Hazardous Materials Round up once a year for residents to properly dispose of household cleaning chemicals and garden type herbicides and insecticides.

Empty paint cans are not to be placed in the paint recycling but in the metal recycling areas.

Click HERE for a list of eligible paint items.


PRWM is registered as a Tire Recycling Collection Site under Alberta Recycling Management Authority.

Tire marshalling areas are located at all transfer station locations.

Tires are segregated by size, passenger/light truck tires in one area and industrial/farm tires in another area. All tires coming into the sites are from private individuals or by a yearly roundup done by the 4H tire program.

Tire rubber is recycled and used in all types of materials which include patio blocks, sold stabilizers, heavy equipment matting, equine and dairy bedding mattresses, planters, box liners, roofing products, guardrails, pour in place surfaces, playground equipment and a host of other products.

Twine + Grain Bags

These Agricultural products are ONLY accepted at the Coronation Transfer Site.

Grain Bags

  • Neatly rolled
  • Securely tied with twine - use more than 1 twine wrap to secure
  • Placed in the designated area


  • Only clean polypropylene twine will be accepted
  • Excessively dirty twine will not be accepted
  • No fiber(sisel/jute twine), bale netting or nylon rope
  • Collection bags should be translucent(bags are available from the site attendant)
  • Bags are to be placed in the designated area

Coronation Landfill - Waste Connections of Canada

The Coronation Landfill (Waste Connections of Canada) will be accepting construction material at their discretion from PRWM Resident Access Card Holders. Access Card Holders can access the Landfill during public and non-public hours. Material brought during non-public hours will incur a tonnage charge.

Waste Connection of Canada Hours:

Public Hours:
Wednesday 8:00am - 3:30pm
Thursday 1:00pm - 7:00pm

Non-Public Hours:
Monday to Friday 7:00am - 4:00pm (excluding Holidays)
Tonnage charges for material brought during Non-public hours